OIGC is committed to providing you with a excellent learning experience. We have four of the regions best professionals to help you with any aspect of your game.
Click on the pro's picture for their individual lesson rates.
John Caughill
My goal is provide coaching in the game of golf. The purpose of this coaching is to make the game more enjoyable to play for new and experienced players. Another important goal is...
Paul Cummings
Paul was trained as a caddy in Scotland before he became an instructor and has 10 years of coaching in Scotland, England and Spain behind him. He believes that we are all capable of playing the game at a higher level...
Eddie Maunder has played the Canadian Tour for six seasons and has been a member of the PGA of Canada for the past twelve years. He has been one of the top...
Jaydin is an assistant Pro at Oakville Golf Club and on staff here at OIGC,